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Showing posts with label Obesity costs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obesity costs. Show all posts

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Gluttony Is Suicide Suicide Is A Criminal Act

Image result for fat people eating

Under modern U.S. law, suicide is no longer a crime. Some states, however, classify attempted suicide as a criminal act, but prosecutions are rare, especially when the offender is terminally ill.

The act of gluttony leads to death but it is not at all like someone putting a gun in their mouth and blowing their bains out or someone swallowing a bottle of pills because their life sucks. Gluttony is the ultimate selfish act. Gluttons should be arrested and put into prison boot camps.

Weight loss surgery kills 1 in 50 people who get have it done but the people who do elect to have this barbaric procedure are trying to save themselves from he consequence of their behavior. The wages of sin really do lead to death.

Gluttony is not a victimless crime. Obesity increases health care costs for everyone. Fat gluttonous parent fatten their kids which causes them health problems and die prematurely.

Obesity costs Americans as staggering $1.7 BILLION!

The estimated annual health care costs of obesity-related illness are a staggering $190.2 billion or nearly 21% of annual medical spending in the United States. Childhood obesity alone is responsible for $14 billion in direct medical costs.

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Obesity may lead to numerous health problems, but it may actually be linked to fewer successful suicides, according to a new study. 

Fat people live to eat whereas normal people eat to live. The reason that that have lower suicide rates than normal people is because they are already in the process of committing suicide.  

Are obese people less likely to commit suicide? - Reuters 

Thursday, March 23, 2017


You know it, I know it and everybody else knows it. Now it is time to admit it so admit it fatty! You came to this site because you are scared shitless of the fact that you are eating yourself to death but you are not scared enough to grow up and assume some personal and social responsibility when it comes to stuffing your pie hole.

Image result for r lee ermey full metal jacket
You don't need another sandwich lardass!

You are also here because you are looking for someone or something else to do what you can but won't do and that is ceasing your hedonistic and gluttonous ways. You gluttons don't eat to live, you live to eat so admit. Your food centrism and your disgusting egocentrism aka sinful pride keeps you fat, prideful and gluttonous. You are DISGUSTING!

Here is what you can do and what you WON'T do.

1. Cut out ALL junk food.

2. Keep your caloric intake at or under 2000 per day if you are a woman and 2500 if you are a man. (In most cases.)

If you won't do those simple things then do what the Bible says, in Proverbs 23:2 And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite. 

Your gluttony is a bane on the world and the people in it. You are a bane on the world and the people in it! 

Image result for Non Medical costs of Obesity

Economic Costs of Obesity | Healthy Communities for a Healthy Future

The health consequences, obesity has real economic costs that affect all of us. The estimated annual health care costs of obesity-related illness are a staggering $190.2 billion or nearly 21% of annual medical spending in the United States.

The Cost of Obesity In The Workplace

The costs of obesity in the workplace. ... RESULTS: Among men, estimates range from -$322 for overweight to $6087 for grade III obese men. For women, estimates range from $797 for overweight to $6694 for grade III. In aggregate, the annual costattributable to obesity among full-time employees is $73.1 billion.

The costs of obesity in the workplace. - NCBI

Monday, July 1, 2013

Worldwide Obesity Rate Is Growing As Fast as Your Surgeon's Wallet

The outlook is grim bright. The World Health Organization estimates that 1.6 billion people worldwide are overweight or obese. The death toll associated with obesity runs to 2.5 million annually, and the numbers haven’t reached their peak. The British Heart Foundation predicts that half the population of the UK could be obese within 25 years. The toll on health and quality of life is enormous. So is the price tag. A 2007 UK report estimated an annual loss in healthcare costs and lost working hours at £45billion (about US$72 billion.

Keep eating!

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Truth About Healthcare In America

The criminal corporate thugs who run the American healthcare system would like you to believe that the reason healthcare is so expensive in the United States is because it is your fault. Criminals who run the American healthcare system are the same criminals who run the health insurance companies, drug companies, medical device companies and doctors.

Is not your fault that Americans pay three times the world average for healthcare. The American healthcare system is run by vile contemptible treasonous criminal corporatists.

Obesity in the short term does cost the health care system more but in the long term because fat people die sooner obesity actually cost the healthcare system less.

For any Obama haters reading this, you now have my permission for go fuck yourselves.